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  • From Gerrit Jan on 5G: een netwerk van mogelijkheden en risico’s

    “Omdat er grote economische belangen zijn bij het invoeren van het netwerk, doet de Europese Commissie niets zolang er geen concrete bewijzen zijn. Maar gevreesd wordt dat het dan al te laat is en het kwaad al is geschied.”
    -> De kosten van ziekteverzuim en gezondheidszorg mogen dan betaald worden uit de opbrengst van deze “economische belangen”

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    2019/08/29 at 8:56 pm
  • From Damiaan Denys over de toename aan psychische klachten | GGZ on Onder de loep: vraag en aanbod in de ggz

    Lees ook: Damiaan Denys over de toename aan psychische klachten | ggz.nl

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    2019/08/27 at 2:06 pm
  • From Rick on Kortademigheid en Lyme

    Ik herken dit inderdaad. Toen bij mij Lyme werd vastgesteld in 2004 merkte ik ook dat ik veel minder alcohol kon verdragen en zeer kortademig werd, met name de dagen na alcohol of een incidentele sigaret. Dat het dagen kon aanhouden maakte me erg op mijn hoede. Succes

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    2019/08/27 at 7:38 am
  • From Nico Cost on 5G: een netwerk van mogelijkheden en risico’s

    Op 9 september 2019 vindt de landelijke demonstratie ‘Stop 5G’ plaats in Den Haag. We verzamelen om 12:00 uur op Koekamp (schuin tegenover Den Haag CS). Zie voor meer informatie de officiële website: https://5gdenhaag.weebly.com/demonstratie.html

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    2019/08/24 at 11:22 pm
  • From Belevingen vanuit de isoleercel: patiënten vertellen | GGZ on Ontwikkelingen in de ggz: de zorgbeveiliger

    […] Lees meer over het gebruik van de isoleercel in de ggz […]

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    2019/08/08 at 10:30 am
  • From Ontwikkelingen in AI: depressie herkennen aan stemgeluid | GGZ on Nieuw: Appwijzer voor het vinden van de juiste ggz-app

    Gerelateerd bericht: Ontwikkelingen in AI: depressie herkennen aan stemgeluid | GGZ

    […] Het onderzoeksartikel is gepubliceerd in een naslagwerk van de conferentie en is hier te verkrijgen. Een overzicht van ggz-gerelateerde apps is te vinden via de Appwijzer. […]

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    2019/07/18 at 9:32 am
  • From Admin on PRI therapie

    Hoi Guido, heb je naast deze verwijzing reden om het oordeel van je huisarts niet te vertrouwen?

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    2019/07/04 at 10:47 pm
  • From Hoofdlijnenakkoord GGZ ondertekend door gemeenten | GGZ on Betrokken partijen ondertekenen hoofdlijnenakkoord ggz

    Lees ook: Hoofdlijnenakkoord GGZ ondertekend door gemeenten | https://ggz.nl/hoofdlijnenakkoord-ggz-ondertekend-door-gemeenten/

    […] haar handtekening gezet onder het Hoofdlijnenakkoord GGZ, dat in juli 2018 tot stand is gekomen. Vorig jaar werd het akkoord al door staatssecretaris Paul Blokhuis (VWS) en een groot aantal betrokken […]

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    2019/06/24 at 2:53 pm
  • From Catharina Buijs on 5G: een netwerk van mogelijkheden en risico’s

    5G Technology is Coming – Linked to Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and Death
    January 31, 2019
    5G Technology is Coming – Linked to Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and Death

    48.9K 89 4 1 62

    John P. Thomas, Health Impact News
    Waking Times

    The new fifth generation (5G) cellular system that is being installed in major American cities such as Dallas, Atlanta, Waco, Texas, and Sacramento [1, 3] will intensify the microwave radiation health risks for everyone living in those cities. [2]
    Eleven More Cities Targeted for 5G Deployment this Year

    The new 5G cell systems that Verizon and AT&T are planning to install in other cities in 2018 [1, 3] will use shorter length microwaves than the existing 4G (fourth generation) systems. New generation cell phones will be able to communicate with either 5G or 4G microwave towers to optimize connectivity.

    Copper phone lines will be replaced with 5G rooftop antennas on homes and businesses. These antennas will communicate with 5G cell towers and with the wireless equipment in homes and offices to provide phone and broadband services.

    5G will be the foundation for the “smart cities” of the future. [15]

    The Safety of 5G Has Not Been Tested

    The microwave frequencies that are being used in this new generation 5G system are in the 1-millimeter wave length.

    The long-term health risks of these short microwaves have not been adequately tested and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and telecom companies are simply presuming that they are safe based on 1996 research. [2, 16]
    New Research Reveals Harmful Effects of Cellular Systems

    Research on microwave frequency radiation conducted since 1996 shows that the existing 3G and 4G cellular systems are causing serious harm to human health.

    The 5G systems will increase the level of harm to the level where illness and death can no longer be denied. [16]
    Harmful Effects are Cumulative

    We now know that the development of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and numerous other diseases and disabling symptoms are linked to the cumulative effects of microwave radiation.

    Cellular systems are pushing microwave radiation into our bodies and brains 24 hours a day regardless of whether we use a cell phone or even own one. [4, 5, 16]
    A Million or More New 5G Towers will be Erected in American Cities

    The 5G towers will be spaced approximately 500 feet apart and will be highly visible eyesores.

    The “small cell” transmitters will be mounted on top of electric utility poles, municipal buildings, schools, and in city parks, on top of street signs, bus shelters, and anywhere else telecom companies wish.

    In low lying areas they might need to erect new towers that are taller than electric utility poles to accomplish their objectives. Refrigerator size electrical boxes will be attached to each transmission tower. [2, 9]

    If you happen to be in an area with underground electric service, then they will erect new towers that use the underground electrical lines.

    If you live or work in a densely populated area where electrical poles are very close to buildings, then you might have a 5G cell tower located a few feet from your place of employment or your bedroom. [2, 9]

    It is estimated that the daily microwave exposure generated by the 5G system will be equivalent to living inside a microwave oven and turning it up to high and baking yourself for 19 minutes a day. [2]
    Telecom Companies Hold the Upper Hand on 5G Tower Placement

    FCC regulations [11] make it illegal for government entities to try to delay or stop cell tower installation on the basis of health risks.

    Telecom companies can sue cities and states that attempt to use health concerns to impede their cell tower building plans. [2]
    How Harmful is 5G? Can We Stop It?

    The remainder of this article provides detailed information about the health risks of 5G and explains why the public and government entities cannot stop the rapid build-out of the 5G system despite the massive health risks.

    It will link you to efforts in your state where telecom companies are seeking to enact legislation that will strip away all rights to object to cell tower placement on any basis.

    My previous articles on microwave radiation dangers will provide background information to those who are not familiar with this topic. Please visit:
    New 5G Cell Towers and Smart Meters to Increase Microwave Radiation – Invade Privacy
    Smart Meters: Countdown to a National Crisis of Illness and Death

    To learn about the history of wireless communication from the 1950s to the present, and how the technology works, please watch this video:

    Documented Health Dangers Linked to Microwave Radiation Exposure

    The following three lists present the symptoms, illness indicators, and diseases that are linked to microwave frequency exposure from cell towers, Wi-Fi transmitters, and other microwave generating devices. [8, 12, 16]

    Symptoms of Damage: These are some of the common symptoms linked to microwave exposure.

    Chronic headaches
    Heart palpitations
    High pitched ringing in the ears
    Disturbed sleep at night
    Sleepiness in daytime
    Feelings of fear
    Nervous tension
    Mental depression
    Memory impairment
    Pain in muscles and joints
    Pain in the region of the heart
    Breathing difficulties
    Yeast infections
    Blood sugar swings
    Bowel problems
    Thyroid dysfunction
    Weight abnormalities
    Immune system weakness
    Behavioral aberrations

    Hidden Illness Indicators: These are some of the indicators of poor health resulting from prolonged microwave exposure. We are usually unaware of these threats to our health.

    Inflammation (caused by excess histamine in the blood)
    Oxidative stress
    Autoimmune responses
    Reduced blood flow to the region of the thalamus
    Pathologic leakage of the blood-brain barrier
    Myelin damage to the central nervous system
    Hormone imbalance
    Deficit in melatonin metabolic availability
    DNA damage
    Metabolic dysregulation

    Diseases and Body System Failures: Some of the diseases and body system failures that result from multi-year microwave frequency radiation include:

    Heart disease
    Neurological dysfunction
    Immune system suppression
    Cataracts of the eyes
    Sperm malformation
    Hearing loss
    Vision loss
    Cognitive impairment
    Depressive mental illness
    Fetal abnormalities

    Long-term Microwave Exposure Equals Extreme Harm

    The bottom line in microwave frequency radiation exposure is, “The longer the exposure, the more deadly the cumulative effects.” [8]

    In 2011, Professor Karl Hecht from the International Research Center of Healthy and Ecological Technology in Germany reported three distinct phases of illness caused by microwave radiation.

    During the first phase, lasting up to 3 years, the living organism struggles to cope and compensate for the exposure to microwaves. [8]

    They may experience numerous symptoms and may be aware of illness indicators, but aren’t able to fix their problems unless they stop the exposure.

    3 to 5 years of Microwave Exposure

    Professor Hecht described the damage that occurs during the second phase of exposure – 3 to 5 years of microwave irradiation. He stated:

    During this second phase, chronically irradiated people develop weakly visible, pathological neurasthenic symptoms with vagotonic reaction tendencies.

    This means overactivity or irritability of the vagus nerve, adversely affecting function of the blood vessels, stomach, and muscles. It also means that the parasympathetic autonomic system is overactive, while sleep disorders and daytime tiredness are common.

    Neurasthenic symptoms involve: poor appetite or overeating, insomnia or hypersomnia, low energy and fatigue, low-self esteem, poor concentration, difficulty making decisions and feelings of hopelessness.

    In its most severe form, this phase may include a chronic disturbance of mood called dysthymia (depressive neurosis) in which a depressive mood accompanies the other physiological features listed here.

    This might explain why millions of Americans need anti-depressant drugs and illegal narcotics to cope with their radiation-induced depressive symptoms.

    By this end of this stage, the systemic damage may be irreversible, even if the radiation exposure ceases. [8]

    5 years or more of Microwave Exposure

    According to Professor Hecht, during the third Phase (5 years or more), the body degenerates into exhaustion and severe states of disease. He stated:

    This final degenerative phase produces pronounced neurasthenic symptoms with increasing pathological lapses of the regulation system, sleep disorders, daytime tiredness, and general exhaustion.

    People who have progressed to this phase suffer a dramatic increase in chronic illnesses and elevated cancer incidence.

    After 30+ years of environmental Wi-radiation, America’s chronically-ill population certainly fits this description.

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    2019/06/24 at 1:47 pm
  • From jgvgils on 5G: een netwerk van mogelijkheden en risico’s

    Heel fijn dat de GGZ hier aandacht aan gaat schenken. Hoop dat ze de GGD ook over halen om hier constructief aandacht aan te gaan geven.

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    2019/06/22 at 2:08 pm